Monday, September 7, 2009

A racist eh?

In the last few weeks I've experienced a very interesting phenomenon. When I've made any comment that is in any way critical of our President, I'm a racist. Even when the comment has not made any mention whatever to race. The comments are always made by acquaintences I know to have a liberal political outlook. I don't care what the President's race is. I've never been a person to give that too much consideration. I'm able to see beyond the color of a person's skin without thinking too much about it at all. There is nothing, I guarantee, in my history with this liberal-minded accuser to lead them to believe otherwise.

The latest accusation came when I expressed some doubts about the President's planned communication to children. I at first said that I was not opposed to the President speaking to the citizens of our country, but wondered why he was wanting to talk specifically to the youth.

A friend replied and said something about indoctrination of the youth to which I responded that it reminded me of a book I read recently, Hitler Youth.

That's when the firestorm started.

The first attack came against Dan Quayle for his inability to spell. Sarah Palin for some comments that made her sound a little less than bright. It concluded with the stinging reminder that Bush had the lowest approval rating of any president, 22%.

What does that have to do with Obama? What does that have to do with his plan to speak to our children? What does that have to do with anything. Is Obama a great president because a handful of Republicans were poor spellers, unenlightened, or unpopular? What's with the continued effor to make their choice for President the right one based on the fact that the previous President was ineffective or unpopular? That Republican bashing can only carry democrats so far. When the next election rolls around, Democrats are going to have to rise and fall on their own merits. We know, though, that Republicans will be villified for the President's failure to pass certain legislation...they are the clear minority, but they will be the problem.

The racism comment came in when I was told that if I didn't want to be labeled a racist I should not compare our President to a facist who killed 6 million Jews. Words cannot describe how troubling I find the holocaust. I truly resent the implication that my questioning of Obama's motives has anything to do with racism. I don't care if Obama is black. I care that he's a socialist.

The comparison I made, if my liberal friend took time to think about it, is that the Nazi's did indoctrinate their youth. Hitler became a god to some of them. The only acceptable German youth organization was the Hitler Youth. Everything else was effectively shut down. No other influence was acceptable. The curriculum at schools was even radically changed. Some of those kids ended up turning against their parents. That's fact. That's history. That has nothing to do with racism or the Holocaust. It has everything to do with what happens when the State takes indecent liberties with its citizens.

Liberals like to think they are morally superior to their cold and heartless conservative friends and neighbors. Racism is an easy claim to make especially since it takes no thought at all. 'White guy doesn't like what the black guy is doing the white guy must be a racist.'

Take a look at the following article. Basically feels like, "Listen kids, your parents don't get it. There are people who need health care and it's our job to make sure they have it. Some of your parent's don't agree. Go ahead and see what you can do to change their minds.." Hey, rememeber the book 1984? How long before the call is, "Do you think your parents are an enemy of the state? You should let us know!" That's kind of radical, but when the state tries to direct influence on our children, you have to wonder what's next.

White House Withdraws Call for Students to 'Help' Obama - Political News -

White House Withdraws Call for Students to 'Help' Obama - Political News -

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