Sunday, January 18, 2009

Prosecution for out-going Bush Administration

Nancy Pelosi and friends say that the democrats will likely be seeking to prosecute outgoing Bush Administration personnel for wrong-doings conducted while they were in office. Some are serious enough that they feel like they can't turn a blind eye. The Democrats, however, ought to tread very carefully as I'm certain that there has been similar misdeeds in all past administrations. Democrats have by no means been above reproach. 

Do they really want to start this. I'm willing to bet that the tables will turn, Republicans will come to power, and they will remember the endless persecution from Democrats and be able to repay in kind without having to look too closely.


Jeremy said...

All politicians are "evil doers" in some regard, it's whether they create or created more good than harm. Did the Bush Administration create more harm than good during the last eight years?

Stan said...

Thats a pretty negative view. I don't believe that all politicians are evil doers in some regard.I can think of one who I am confident isn't.

Ask the liberal biased media and he's the devil. Compare him to other presidents and I think you would find that some were worse some were better. Remember, that it's the Administration, not him acting alone. He had the support of at least the majority of the house and senate when we went to war with Iraq. He didn't operate in a vacuum.

Jeremy said...

Every person, including politicians, has made a wrong decision. I guess “evil doers” was not the best word. :) All politicians make bad decisions at some point during their reign as leader. Actually, we do not want perfect politics. Why? With risk comes reward; with some bad choices comes knowledge. It is the fluidity of change that makes America. We need change in ideologies and approaches to solutions, whether liberal, conservative, or mix of both. Obama promotes the fundamental step in enacting that change.

Stan said...

Yes, nobody is perfect and everyone makes bad decisions from time to time. Hopefully politicians get all of the really bad ones out of their system before they get into a position of great power. But there are two types of mistakes. you have the mistake that comes as the result of genuinely not knowing the best course of action and it's difficult to fault someone for that. some of those decisions you are glad you didn't have to make yourself.

But there is also the moral mistakes people make. They know it's the wrong thing to do ethically and yet the decide that the reward is worth the risk. Not everyone is that way. People who are generally honest or even always honest are the ones that I'd rather see in office, even if I don't totally agree with everything they believe in.

Unethical politics is not a risk we should have to take. There is no reward. It's always downside.

From what I've seen so far, Obama isn't as much about change like you are talking about because i see politics as usual. The bailout is a prime example. I will never agree, politically, with a president who thinks the government should have that kind of role in our lives. Less is more.