Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Coming down off the ledge a little?

Some time has passed and, for me, a cooler head is prevailing. I'm still a bit miffed that everything...let me repeat...EVERYTHING that I voted for, except one local representative...went the other way. So...virtually everything I wanted, was contrary to what a majority of my fellow Washingtonians wanted. That being said...for that local representative, watch out! The ballot count isn't over! I could doom you as well. Funny that the first day under the next term with taxes have already gone up (sales tax increase...but the point is new taxes already)..and we asked for it. Stupid Sound Transit. Good thing it will do nothing to solve congestion problems.

I was just watching CNN. Boy they are excited! Not only is the US saved, but the world is saved. We are on the road to recovery from a financial standpoint as is illustrated by the sell off today (lost, what? 400+ points). Media is all in a flurry. What I don't understand is this...about half the country was pleased, the other half disappointed in 2004 when Bush was re-elected. Yet, all I saw on the news websites was how shocked and dismayed the country and the world was. 4 years later, about half the country is shocked (25% actually scared) 
and the other half happy (although only 33% excited) yet I haven't seen a single negative report. It's a mystery. If I were a cynic I would say it's media bias. Reality, I just haven't searched hard enough. The thing is, in 2004, I didn't have to search at all.

I'll be interested to see what happens in the next couple of years. Will it really turn out to be a bad thing? When the 2010 election occurs, will the remaining Republican senators who are up for re-election be subject to the same, "95% of the time he/she voted with Bush!"  Egad. Dollars to donuts that's exactly what we hear. It worked this time, why not next?

In 2012, when Obama runs for re-election, and it is without doubt true that he will...heck some of his flunkeys were talking about it on the news last night (8 years of Obama) will the tide turn again? Will voters say, "Holy cow, let's get this nut job out of office!" Will it be time for another change? Will they go back to blaming all the country's woes (from 8 years ago) on Bush and the Republicans? will we hear, "If you vote for Smith, you will be voting to go back to the mess we had under the Bush administration 8 years ago." How much mileage is left in that one? I think quite a bit.

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