Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Lunatics are Running the Asylum

It's kind of a surreal feeling tonight. It's hard to believe that we would elect such a liberal democrat president and then imbue him with such tremendous power by providing him with a democratic majority in the house and senate.  Oh the mileage all these democrats got out of bashing George Bush. How could we overlook the fact that their own approval rating was lower than Bush's? Change is on the way alright. For those who voted for him...this is soon to become Utopia. For those who worry about his presidency...this is soon to become Southern Canada. For those who are really worked up about his election...this is soon to become Northern Cuba. 

Either way, I'm going to go buy a generator, store up on gasoline and food,  buy a shot gun, and get ready for the inevitable attack soon to come to test him. 

Oh and by the way...how can anyone criticize the choice of Sarah Palin as a Vice-presidential candidate and not say anything about Joe Biden who sticks his foot in his mouth every time he opens it?

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

Wasn’t Sarah Palin a republican strategy for pulling in the votes that would have gone for Hillary Clinton? It is highly unlikely the truths about the Bush Administration, some President Bush himself even admitted during his exit speech, swayed all the votes toward President Obama.

Now that the smoke of the election is clear, diehard Republicans have to admit President Obama is a man of action. Will he fix all the issues that plague America? No. Nonetheless, I feel that we need a leader that has a mind and is not part of the puppetry of the Republican Party. Ok, maybe that was a little harsh.

The citizens of the United States demanded change, whether you fear change or embrace it, the election of Barack Obama as President reflects this demand. Change is coming. Will I “… buy a generator, store up on gasoline and food, buy a shot gun, and get ready for the inevitable attack …”? No, I am going to support President Obama and most of the policies he strives to enact, there are some that I am not so excited about.

Am I a democrat? Yes. Will I agree with all the actions of the Obama administration? Not likely. You can count on positive change coming to America. One can be part of the change or fear the change. The next eight years will be a lot better than the past eight years. You can count on that!